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Being seen as a leader and the ability to be at the front of the room, or working directly with the members, builds your business faster

Constant Visibility that leads to building trust faster

This contributes to the VCP Process

Like any business it relies on amazing people running it. Your chapter is a business. Being part of running a profitable and efficient business builds your credibility

All roles agree to receive support by way of feedback, coaching and guidance from the BNI Regional Support Team (Managing Director, and Chapter Consultants)

Chapter President runs the weekly BNI meeting.

  •  They run the meeting according to the BNI Approved Agenda. 
  • They ensure that the meeting starts and stops on time. 
  • They run the first half of the monthly Chapter Success Meeting.
  • Attend Monthly LT Roundtables
  • Completion of role specific training in BNI Business Builder and attend LT orientation prior to taking on role
  • Lead by Example
  • Signing applicable LT Agreement(s) prior to taking on role

Important to note

 No member is exempt from being held accountable. 

The rules, policies and procedures apply to every member equally regardless of time in BNI or TYFCB.

“What you do for one you do for all.”

Vice Presidents and the Membership Committee must maintain BNI policies and procedures.

The Vice President along with the four chair members of the Membership Committee run the chapter.

  • Maintains weekly reports
  • Marks visitor and member attendance
  • Prepare for 7 month check-ins
  • Chairs the Membership Committee
  • Ensure the application process is running smoothly and timely
  • Present the VP report as per the BNI Meeting Agenda
  • Accountability letters for attendance and performance are consistently sent to members equally
  • Lead by Example
  • Understands the use of, and is capable of using Zoom and BNI Connect and is able to pull appropriate reports.
  • Submits the PALMS Report after EACH meeting
  • Run the second half of the monthly Chapter Success Meeting.
  • Attend LT Roundtables
  • Completion of role specific training in BNI Business Builder and attend LT orientation prior to taking on role
  • Membership Committee and VP make decisions about venue/policy/ membership/ applications/BNI policy/set expectation within BNI guidelines
  • Signing applicable LT Agreement(s) prior to taking on role

  • Attend the first half of the monthly Chapter Success Meeting
  • Attend LT Roundtables
  • Completion of role specific training in BNI Business Builder and attend LT orientation prior to taking on role
  • Announce upcoming renewals
  • Maintain Monthly Budget reports
  • Maintain Speaker Roster
  • Announce 4-6 week Speaker Roster and enter roster and topics into BNI Connect
  • Lead by Example
  • Signing applicable LT Agreement(s) prior to taking on role

All Membership Committee Members

  • Complete Member Success Program within the 12 months prior to taking on the role
  • Completion of role specific training in BNI Business Builder and attend LT orientation prior to taking on role
  • Lead by Example
  • Signing of applicable Leadership Team Agreement(s) prior to taking on role
  • Attend Monthly Chapter Success Meeting
  • Watch and engage struggling members
  • Ensure the chapter venue is conducive to growth and professionalism
  • Ensure that ALL members conduct themselves in a professional way in line with the BNI Policies and the Code of Ethics.


  • If your chapter is over 40 you may take on more Membership Committee Members. These members must also attend Leadership Team Orientation when offered and sign applicable agreements. These extra members DO NOT attend Chapter Success Meetings and ARE NOT involved in any decisons required from the Membership Committee. The purpose of these members are to be able to fill in for a sitting Membership Committee member should they need to step away from the role.

The Four Membership Committee Members along with the Vice President run the chapter. 

The MC and VP work collaboratively to: conduct interviews, onboarding of new members, make venue decisions and uphold BNI policies.

Community Builder Chair

  • Maintains the TOP 10 most wanted classifications list
  • Schedules visitor events and communicates with the Chapter Consultant

Member Engagement Chair

  • Encourage member participation in the Power of One
  • Review the Traffic Lights and PALMS reports to engage struggling members
  • Communicate with the Mentor Coordinator to ensure the new members are engaged in the Passport Program

Member Relations Chair

  • Follow the structured conflict resolution process as defined in the training manual
  • Deal with classification conflict within the chapter
  • Communicate with the Chapter Consultant regarding all conflict
  • Discuss conflict issues with Director Consultant and Regional Office

Quality Assurance Chair

  • Ensures the application process is timely
  • New member onboarding is no longer than 2 weeks
  • 7 Month check in renewal interviews are taking place consistently

Mentor Coordinator is responsible for the new member experience and engagement.

  • Ensure that each new member is enrolled and engaged in the BNI Passport Program
  • Assigns 10 Member Mentor roles and ensures that each Member Mentor is reaching out to the new member in a timely manner (not the other way around)
  • Consistently communicates with the chapter BNI Member Consultant
  • Communicates with the chapter President and MC regarding new members being inducted
  • Attends the first half of the monthly Chapter Success Meeting
  • Completion of role specific training in BNI Business Builder and attend LT orientation prior to taking on role
  • Lead by Example
  • Signing of applicable Leadership Team Agreement(s) prior to taking on role

The Education Coordinator plays a key role in educating chapter members, visitors and guests on BNI networking topics.

  • Works with the chapter President and Vice President to come up with BNI related topics and themes
  • Reviews and recommends: BNI Podcasts, BNI Business Builder courses for members to watch, listen and learn from
  • Coordinates a 3-5 minute Education Moment each week.
  • Completion of role specific training in BNI Business Builder and attend LT orientation prior to taking on role
  • Lead by Example
  • Signing of applicable Leadership Team Agreement(s) prior to taking on role

“You never get another chance to make a first impression”. 

  • Build a strong Visitor Host Team
  • Follow up with visitors by a phone call within 24 hours of meeting
  • Arrive early along with the Visitor Host team for every meeting
  • Ensures the Visitor registration table is set up prior to the start of each meeting. For BNI online, ensure that the networking breakout rooms are pre-set up and that visitors are being engaged in those rooms.
  • Make sure Visitors are registered in BNI Connect
  • Review application process with Visitors during Visitor Orientation
  • Completion of role specific training in BNI Business Builder and attend In person LT orientation prior to taking on role
  • Lead by Example
  • Signing of applicable Leadership Team Agreement(s) prior to taking on role

This role can be one person OR the role can be split.

  • Manage the chapter’s BNI branded website, Facebook pages and all other social media collateral, ensuring branding standards are adhered to
  • Announce BNI related upcoming courses/workshops/events at each meeting
  • Send out the weekly Newsletter from BNI +
  • Read the weekly regional newsletters for content.
  • Lead by Example
  • Signing of applicable Leadership Team Agreement(s) prior to taking on role

Members personal events are not announced during the Communications Coordinators part in the agenda. 

How are Leadership Team Elected?

There are no elections or voting in BNI. Teams are selected

How Long is the term in office?

BNI Golden Horseshoe & Niagara Terms of Office are 12 months. All incoming Officers will be required to make the commitment to serve for the full 12 months. If an Executive Officer (President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer ) steps down during the term, that Officer could be asked to resign their membership in the chapter. 

How often am I required to attend Leadership Team orientation?

Leadership Team members and Membership Committee members will be required to attend BNI Online Leadership Orientation. All Leadership Team Members are required to complete any role-specific courses available through BNI Business Builder. They must have completed the Member Success Program in the prior 12 months to taking on the role.

President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, and MC members are required to participate in ELT Roundtables.

Once I have completed a 1-year term as President, Vice President, or Secretary/Treasurer, can I stay in one of the three positions for an additional 1-year term?

No, once you have completed a 1-year term, you will be required to sit out for at minimum 1-year. 

As a current (out-going) President, Vice President, or Secretary/Treasurer, may I serve on the Membership Committee or one of the support positions such as Education Coordinator?

Yes, you may hold a Membership Committee position or support position if you are asked by the incoming President or Vice President to do so. Even though you are assuming a support position and attended training for your Leadership position, all Membership Committee members must attend Leadership Team Orientation.  

Do support positions Visitor Host Coordinator or Mentor Coordinator have to come to orientation?

Yes, they are REQUIRED to attend. Often people take these positions and have no idea what to do, or how these positions can have a positive impact on the chapter. The strength of your chapter depends on how well ALL your officers and support members do their job. Leadership Orientation provides all support members the tools they need to make a difference to their chapter’s success as well as opportunities to network and develop leadership skills.

What are the costs for Leadership Orientation?

As we are part of BNI Canada Core Region there is no cost for the orientation however any member that registers and does not show will could be subject to a fee invoiced to the chapter.

What report?

Every Officer has a part to play in the monthly Chapter Success Meeting. At the end of each month, we review the reports.

Presidents run the Chapter Success Meeting for the first half. 

Vice President’s (PALMS) reports are completed weekly and submitted within 48 hours after the meeting in BNI Connect. The Vice President also runs the second part of the monthly Chapter Success Meeting.

Secretary/Treasurer and The Membership Committee attend the Monthly Chapter Success Meeting.

Do Membership Committee Chairs have to attend orientation?

Yes, the Membership Committee is the backbone of the chapter. BNI is constantly looking at ways of improving our membership. New policies are adopted, new procedures are put into place and ways of improving the chapters are constantly discussed. If you have Membership Committee members who do not attend training, they have a tendency to derail the process. The 4 chair positions are required to attend the in person training as well as any additional MC members that have been approved by the RegionalTeam.

As an LT Officer do I pay membership dues while in office?

Yes. Before taking office, the incoming officer MUST have at least 60 days remaining on their membership. If your renewal date falls between July 1 through October 1, you must renew before taking office. 

What Round Table Meeting?

Each Executive Officer is required to attend the Leadership Round Table Meeting held once per quarter. On the rare occasion you cannot attend, a Leadership Team support member may substitute for you. 

These meetings are BNI Online based. Check your regional website calendar for the upcoming LT Roundtables.